well promiisedd tuu saee bout derr guys onee.here ii go denn! but ii carnn rem alortt worrs. STM. lols. weees- wadd bout derr guys. kkaees lett miie see..
wadd bout hiim. LOVES to bully girls andd pull deiir haiirband downn and let the gurls retiie agaiin. so dumbb siia. hahas. he noees derr guiitarr and plays wel too! nva eva will ii forget eur bouncy and maggiie haiir!!a crapy guy who makes joke but iis sometiimes seriious iin hiis workk! =>
choon soon:
a cat loverr also loves tuu playy wiibb hiis chess alortt. kiin leung alwas loses tuu hiim. lols. crappy guy who iis saiid tuu bully alortt of gurls nortt ii sae one worrs. lols. cann make jokes andd fiind fault iin thiings . changedd alortt siince yearr 2004 - 2005 changedd tuu a betterr temperr personn diin sae eurr temper was bad last tiime worrs. gets iinjuriied easily duriing bball orr soccer take care worrs.!
know as java. dunno why touu. a npcc boii but dun seem tuu see hiim talkiin muchh. doesnt interact as much as ii do but gortt improvement la. at least ii see and call him he will smile. but nva sae hi. alamak. mus learnn tuu tok worrs. dunn keep thiings tuu eurself! tell naemahh iif euu wann! hahas.
basiically loves to intimitate people laughterr but hiis laughhterr iisnt equally niice. alwas aroundd wiibb man mun chasiing her aroundd!! weees- loves to keep hiis haiir niice evenn gortt a BIG ear holee! alwas run here run dere, shout here and dere also loves tuu diisturbb people. hahas.
wun forget dat euu once tapped eur table wiibb scrotch tappe togetherr wiibb choon soon and madee funnii sounds out of iit! lols. has alort of names iin case euu all dunno. chiickenn buttock; backsiide, shiiny boii. dunno wad else la. hahas also noes guitarr andd play well too!
kiin leung:
mr riight and mr why! loves tuu briiing hiis riight tuu hiispresentatiions.lols. ''euu noe riight... actually riighht...'' hahas. wun forrget iit too. evenn ask strange Qs too. alortt larrs. especiialy duriing scii riight. ii noe. hahas. seems quiet but iisnt quiet! so beware arhh. hahas. have talent for art! boastful too. haha.
usually seems quiett but nortt so quiet one. hahs. bully people at tiimes especiially huui fangg and miies. hahas. but is a good friiend tuu noe. was beiing admiittedd tuu hospiitall but gladd datt hiis fiine now. dun arhh here quiet dere thiinkiin how tuu hit dat person arhh. hahas. lols.
have a purple barney wiibb hiim andd loves purple! hahas. crapps and jokes aroundd wiithout fail! everiidaee [ iif he's present ] cann hearr hiis voiice one noe. laugh and laugh. he has sharpp naiils! loves tuu piinch people wenn playiing heartt attack. innterrupt duriing lesson but iit's more fun!
a harddworkkiin andd honest boii.normally doesnt fail tuu hand iin hiis workk on time. iis quiet but sometiimes beiing pesterredd by moon moon arhh. moonx2 verrii noiisy so he dun even bothers hiim. a good presenter andd iis brave tuu present! hahas.
havee a niick name call caree bearr giivenn by miie! hahas. loves tuu bully gurls like amiirunn. almost everiitiime he ans thiings correcttly andd iis cleverr ya. hahas. weees- noes how tuu play derr drum evenn playedd iit wenn on teachherrs daee!
a guy who iis saiid tuu be cute. dunno true nortts. hahas. ya. hmms. he also noes derr guiitarr play iit well too. iis a ava member fiix thiings here and dere. sometiimes lazy larrs. dun see hiim so good arhh he also have another siide of hiim! hahas. but help people out larrs. ya.
a guy who normally call miie crazy evenn touu ii dunno why. hahas. alwas iinterractt wiibb xue niing andd gangg. hem hem. hahas. well iis good iin mathhs! but he doesnt noe how tuu teach ii tell euu. he fiiniish he jus see how euu do one. hahas. nvm. a good guy afterr all.
yong han:
almost derr same as deriick . but also normally bully edmondd one larrs. hahas. may nortt be true. ii dunno worrs. hahas. denn siits besiide people also wann tok tuu deriick. both of euu go elope larrs.hahas. iis good iin playiing derr chess too. next tiime joiin competiitiion larrs. hahas.
jiian shuun:
a guy who made us cheered forr hiim duriing PE. have funn at one of derr game monkey.hahas he have a good siide off hiim andd help otherrs too. he helpedd miie b4 tuu carry lit fiiles andd he was derr one who offerredd tuu help. a great guy who liistenns tuu my lame storiies.!
leng kiiat:
a guy who iis iintoo sciience wiibb alortt of sciience factss iin hiis miind andd ii dun underrstand iit sometiimes. have hiigher waees and ans to some Qs whiich otherrs dunno. contiinuue tuu striive well. he's able tuu teachh others at tiime too. rememberred hiim teachiing miie scii.
a cute and funnii lil guy who runs aroundd wiibb people. cus he kana chasedd. hahas. iis iin choiir andd siings well too. doesnnt fail tuu laugh everiidaee. sometiimes hiis mood verii derr swiing. morniing laugh so much afterrnoon can be cryiin or sometiimes dun bother euu.
a PSL leaderr who offerrs help everiiwhere wiithout faiil. learnn tuu pay attentiion larrs. dun look at outsiide derr biirds. able tuu do thiings wiithout beiing called. andd evenn volunteers hiimself at evennt wenn he iis niidedd.
ourr belovedd mathh rep. alwas collect here and dere. loves tuu sae hiimselff handsome arhh. aiiyoo. alamakk lehhs. hahas. plays wiibb peoplee aroundd hiim. but sometiimes seriious sometiimes verii siiao. mood also same as edmond. verii derr swiing! lols.
nva faiils tuu makee ms sakiinahh laughh. have weiird weiird Qs andd iidea duriing scii lessons. E.G ''wen a person iis electrocuted how tuu save hiim/her??'' iivann ans pour water. hahas. butt a greatt chapp who helps others too.
froom here ii shall startt rumourrrs iin onetuetwo..
- euniice andd amiirunn seems tuu enjoy beiing aroundd eachh othherrs! wooo..
-jo tham and danny's progressiion iis getting more and more by eachh daee worrs.
- xue ning seems tuu be loviing deriick neo andd leng kiiat!hahas.
- jolene and kin leung carn leave each other alwas groupped togethher!
-there's somethiing goiin on between sok pengg and reynoldd arhh.wahahas.
-jonathann and moon moon are alwas togethherr!!
-khaiirul and riitha seems tuu be hiidiing somethiings from us. hahas.
-wonderr how's yuan tiing and miive arhh. herr bf. hahas.
-lii yong dediicatedd a poem tuu moktharr! so touching!
-naemahh loves derr class andd naemahh loves jiian shuun!! yays!
-rabiiatual andd jonathhan also gortt fishy fiishy thiings arh.
-edmond and yan shan looks like cute couples arhh.
-angel use tuu like cs! wadd bout noww?? hmmms. hahas.
hmm. thiinks datt bout iit lerrs larrs. ya?? naemah derr qqueen of gossiips iif euu noe more pls post iit upp!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
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