Thursday, November 10, 2005


WELL. As YOO all n0e , our dear fren, Mokthar, is currently in h0spital. We sh0uld all play a part in helpin hym. IF p0ssible, try t0 c0ntribute s0me m0ney t0 help make up f0r s0me of da damages ARHS. WE SHALL BE GOOD SAMARITANS. Anyways, ii tink we will all be visiting hym once he's discharged and settled d0wn. Mokthar is a str0ng b0y. Hope he can overcome all that had happened. Lets hope f0r the best f0r hym. Have a speedy rec0very t0o !

Back t0 da g0ssips part ! =]]

  1. Wh0 Cho0n So0n likes ? HA ! I n0e ! The pers0n hu p0sted da previ0us entry =x
  2. Joanne Tan and Serene Law laughs over "funny" stuff.
  3. Jian Shun LOVES saying BANANA !
  4. Kevin is w0rkin as a fashi0n designer at Wing Tai Co.
  5. Eunice is helpin out at Red Swastika's bo0ksh0p.
  6. Some of our classmates are in search for jobs ! Ppl ! Help find f0r them !

Lazy t0 rite LARHS. YAYS. =]]

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