Saturday, December 03, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Class Gathering
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Even MORE updates!
Ouhkays. These are the MOST recent inf0 ii gathered ; [Suggestions given]
Ouhkays. These are the MOST recent inf0 ii gathered ; [Suggestions given]
- No m0re POT LUCK !
- It is a MUST f0r everyone t0 bring a GIFT f0r the GIFT EXCHANGE.
- Girls are t0 be in BLACK whereas guys are t0 be in WHITE. Or the other way r0und. Or YOO can cho0se t0 wear either c0l0ur.
- If YOO want t0 eat, please bring y0ur 0wn f0od.
- By ho0k or by cr0ok, YOO have t0 be at Mrs Lee's place by 4pm.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
MORE updates ! [[=
Regarding the class gathering ;
- Everyone has t0 c0ntribute something(food) for the Pot Luck
- The meeting place will be Mrs Lee's house
- The time is CONFIRMED going t0 change
- This gathering is STRICTLY for 1e2E2 people
- From what I heard, Joanne Tan wants everyone t0 bring al0ng ar0und $20+ I have n0 idea what it is f0r.
- MORE updates will be up. In da mean time, please pass ar0und the gathering details first.
- Latest updates will be up on MONDAY.
Friday, November 25, 2005
UPDATES f0r Class Gathering! Heh. [[=
We will all gather at Mrs Lee's place at 9am(i n0e dis is early) on the 29th(Tuesday) Nov 2005. Mrs Lee's hse is at BLK 300+. Near the school. The gathering will be fr0m 9am till 7pm. The time will CHANGE. Cos ii requested t0 meet later. I will update the LATEST details soon. Based on what we're gonna d0, I n0e nuts abt it. ASK JOANNE TAN OR YUAN TING. Den erms.. Mrs Lee's place is a lil cramp. So some of us will have t0 sit OUTSIDE ii guess ((= Shall update so0n ! Please TRY t0 c0nfirm with us if YOO're cuming. YOO can tell either JOANNE, YUAN TING or NAEMAH. Pls pass ar0und the details f0r this gathering. Tanks.
xoxo NAEMAHH xoxo
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Class Photos x)) 04'05
On our class gathering day itself, we shall all g0 SNAP SNAP SNAPPING ! =]] MORE PICTURES ! MORE FUN ! More MEMORABLE mem0riies t0 keep it mind. About the gathering's activites, YOO'll have t0 ask Joanne Tan. She organised da gathering. But if i'm n0t wr0ng, the first 7SEVEN h0urs will be our own free time. 7SEVEN h0urs can d0 wad siia ?
On our class gathering day itself, we shall all g0 SNAP SNAP SNAPPING ! =]] MORE PICTURES ! MORE FUN ! More MEMORABLE mem0riies t0 keep it mind. About the gathering's activites, YOO'll have t0 ask Joanne Tan. She organised da gathering. But if i'm n0t wr0ng, the first 7SEVEN h0urs will be our own free time. 7SEVEN h0urs can d0 wad siia ?
Thursday, November 10, 2005
well manii people will wanna noee derr class triip wen riight. pass diis msg around!
-iit's on 29. nov. [tue]
-from 9am tuu 7pm.
-9am`4pm will be haviing own actiiviity at anii where. wiibb anii friiends. best iis whole class la. jus a day tuu enjoy. denn 4`4.30 get back tuu ehh ii confiirm whose house at a later date. denn we will be haviing speechhes andd denn food larrs. buffet. yaa?? so anione cann giiv suggesttion forr 9am`4pm where euu people wanna go. ii suggest escape, bowliin, stay at derr house[ dunno whose touu.] , kbox. so iif aniione wanna vote pls do so iin derr tag-boardd. jus vote andd giib a betterr suggestiion iif euuu have. yaa??
well hope everiione wiil have a niice holi daee andd 16` nov iis derr daee whenn everiione classes will be deterrmiine. good luck.
hey naemahh. dun slanderr miie ii tell euu. ii cann sue euu.people. naemah maynortt be telliing derr truth. so dunn belive arhhs!! wees- my datt rumourr sectiion jus forr fun no offence. hehes.
mayy moktharr n fam. get well soon! 1e2e2 will suppoortt euu andd hope tuu see euu happii andd bravee !! take caree.
well rumourrs iin class......
-naemah iis iin love wiib serene.! she saes datt serene verii funnii andd loves herr!! OMG. ii thiink she loves kiin leung too. kiin leung mus feel honourred. no. laterr jolene jealous!
- lii yong miis dediicatiin derr poem tuu mokthar. yays!
-serene fall on herr butt 4 daees ago andd she diin wann admiit iit but alort of us saw iit!! =)) .
most recent one la. naemah euu wan euu post more la. alamak. biies peeps. take care everiione.
-iit's on 29. nov. [tue]
-from 9am tuu 7pm.
-9am`4pm will be haviing own actiiviity at anii where. wiibb anii friiends. best iis whole class la. jus a day tuu enjoy. denn 4`4.30 get back tuu ehh ii confiirm whose house at a later date. denn we will be haviing speechhes andd denn food larrs. buffet. yaa?? so anione cann giiv suggesttion forr 9am`4pm where euu people wanna go. ii suggest escape, bowliin, stay at derr house[ dunno whose touu.] , kbox. so iif aniione wanna vote pls do so iin derr tag-boardd. jus vote andd giib a betterr suggestiion iif euuu have. yaa??
well hope everiione wiil have a niice holi daee andd 16` nov iis derr daee whenn everiione classes will be deterrmiine. good luck.
hey naemahh. dun slanderr miie ii tell euu. ii cann sue euu.people. naemah maynortt be telliing derr truth. so dunn belive arhhs!! wees- my datt rumourr sectiion jus forr fun no offence. hehes.
mayy moktharr n fam. get well soon! 1e2e2 will suppoortt euu andd hope tuu see euu happii andd bravee !! take caree.
well rumourrs iin class......
-naemah iis iin love wiib serene.! she saes datt serene verii funnii andd loves herr!! OMG. ii thiink she loves kiin leung too. kiin leung mus feel honourred. no. laterr jolene jealous!
- lii yong miis dediicatiin derr poem tuu mokthar. yays!
-serene fall on herr butt 4 daees ago andd she diin wann admiit iit but alort of us saw iit!! =)) .
most recent one la. naemah euu wan euu post more la. alamak. biies peeps. take care everiione.
WELL. As YOO all n0e , our dear fren, Mokthar, is currently in h0spital. We sh0uld all play a part in helpin hym. IF p0ssible, try t0 c0ntribute s0me m0ney t0 help make up f0r s0me of da damages ARHS. WE SHALL BE GOOD SAMARITANS. Anyways, ii tink we will all be visiting hym once he's discharged and settled d0wn. Mokthar is a str0ng b0y. Hope he can overcome all that had happened. Lets hope f0r the best f0r hym. Have a speedy rec0very t0o !
Back t0 da g0ssips part ! =]]
Back t0 da g0ssips part ! =]]
- Wh0 Cho0n So0n likes ? HA ! I n0e ! The pers0n hu p0sted da previ0us entry =x
- Joanne Tan and Serene Law laughs over "funny" stuff.
- Jian Shun LOVES saying BANANA !
- Kevin is w0rkin as a fashi0n designer at Wing Tai Co.
- Eunice is helpin out at Red Swastika's bo0ksh0p.
- Some of our classmates are in search for jobs ! Ppl ! Help find f0r them !
Lazy t0 rite LARHS. YAYS. =]]
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
miiss all of euu!
well promiisedd tuu saee bout derr guys ii go denn! but ii carnn rem alortt worrs. STM. lols. weees- wadd bout derr guys. kkaees lett miie see..
wadd bout hiim. LOVES to bully girls andd pull deiir haiirband downn and let the gurls retiie agaiin. so dumbb siia. hahas. he noees derr guiitarr and plays wel too! nva eva will ii forget eur bouncy and maggiie haiir!!a crapy guy who makes joke but iis sometiimes seriious iin hiis workk! =>
choon soon:
a cat loverr also loves tuu playy wiibb hiis chess alortt. kiin leung alwas loses tuu hiim. lols. crappy guy who iis saiid tuu bully alortt of gurls nortt ii sae one worrs. lols. cann make jokes andd fiind fault iin thiings . changedd alortt siince yearr 2004 - 2005 changedd tuu a betterr temperr personn diin sae eurr temper was bad last tiime worrs. gets iinjuriied easily duriing bball orr soccer take care worrs.!
know as java. dunno why touu. a npcc boii but dun seem tuu see hiim talkiin muchh. doesnt interact as much as ii do but gortt improvement la. at least ii see and call him he will smile. but nva sae hi. alamak. mus learnn tuu tok worrs. dunn keep thiings tuu eurself! tell naemahh iif euu wann! hahas.
basiically loves to intimitate people laughterr but hiis laughhterr iisnt equally niice. alwas aroundd wiibb man mun chasiing her aroundd!! weees- loves to keep hiis haiir niice evenn gortt a BIG ear holee! alwas run here run dere, shout here and dere also loves tuu diisturbb people. hahas.
wun forget dat euu once tapped eur table wiibb scrotch tappe togetherr wiibb choon soon and madee funnii sounds out of iit! lols. has alort of names iin case euu all dunno. chiickenn buttock; backsiide, shiiny boii. dunno wad else la. hahas also noes guitarr andd play well too!
kiin leung:
mr riight and mr why! loves tuu briiing hiis riight tuu hiispresentatiions.lols. ''euu noe riight... actually riighht...'' hahas. wun forrget iit too. evenn ask strange Qs too. alortt larrs. especiialy duriing scii riight. ii noe. hahas. seems quiet but iisnt quiet! so beware arhh. hahas. have talent for art! boastful too. haha.
usually seems quiett but nortt so quiet one. hahs. bully people at tiimes especiially huui fangg and miies. hahas. but is a good friiend tuu noe. was beiing admiittedd tuu hospiitall but gladd datt hiis fiine now. dun arhh here quiet dere thiinkiin how tuu hit dat person arhh. hahas. lols.
have a purple barney wiibb hiim andd loves purple! hahas. crapps and jokes aroundd wiithout fail! everiidaee [ iif he's present ] cann hearr hiis voiice one noe. laugh and laugh. he has sharpp naiils! loves tuu piinch people wenn playiing heartt attack. innterrupt duriing lesson but iit's more fun!
a harddworkkiin andd honest boii.normally doesnt fail tuu hand iin hiis workk on time. iis quiet but sometiimes beiing pesterredd by moon moon arhh. moonx2 verrii noiisy so he dun even bothers hiim. a good presenter andd iis brave tuu present! hahas.
havee a niick name call caree bearr giivenn by miie! hahas. loves tuu bully gurls like amiirunn. almost everiitiime he ans thiings correcttly andd iis cleverr ya. hahas. weees- noes how tuu play derr drum evenn playedd iit wenn on teachherrs daee!
a guy who iis saiid tuu be cute. dunno true nortts. hahas. ya. hmms. he also noes derr guiitarr play iit well too. iis a ava member fiix thiings here and dere. sometiimes lazy larrs. dun see hiim so good arhh he also have another siide of hiim! hahas. but help people out larrs. ya.
a guy who normally call miie crazy evenn touu ii dunno why. hahas. alwas iinterractt wiibb xue niing andd gangg. hem hem. hahas. well iis good iin mathhs! but he doesnt noe how tuu teach ii tell euu. he fiiniish he jus see how euu do one. hahas. nvm. a good guy afterr all.
yong han:
almost derr same as deriick . but also normally bully edmondd one larrs. hahas. may nortt be true. ii dunno worrs. hahas. denn siits besiide people also wann tok tuu deriick. both of euu go elope larrs.hahas. iis good iin playiing derr chess too. next tiime joiin competiitiion larrs. hahas.
jiian shuun:
a guy who made us cheered forr hiim duriing PE. have funn at one of derr game monkey.hahas he have a good siide off hiim andd help otherrs too. he helpedd miie b4 tuu carry lit fiiles andd he was derr one who offerredd tuu help. a great guy who liistenns tuu my lame storiies.!
leng kiiat:
a guy who iis iintoo sciience wiibb alortt of sciience factss iin hiis miind andd ii dun underrstand iit sometiimes. have hiigher waees and ans to some Qs whiich otherrs dunno. contiinuue tuu striive well. he's able tuu teachh others at tiime too. rememberred hiim teachiing miie scii.
a cute and funnii lil guy who runs aroundd wiibb people. cus he kana chasedd. hahas. iis iin choiir andd siings well too. doesnnt fail tuu laugh everiidaee. sometiimes hiis mood verii derr swiing. morniing laugh so much afterrnoon can be cryiin or sometiimes dun bother euu.
a PSL leaderr who offerrs help everiiwhere wiithout faiil. learnn tuu pay attentiion larrs. dun look at outsiide derr biirds. able tuu do thiings wiithout beiing called. andd evenn volunteers hiimself at evennt wenn he iis niidedd.
ourr belovedd mathh rep. alwas collect here and dere. loves tuu sae hiimselff handsome arhh. aiiyoo. alamakk lehhs. hahas. plays wiibb peoplee aroundd hiim. but sometiimes seriious sometiimes verii siiao. mood also same as edmond. verii derr swiing! lols.
nva faiils tuu makee ms sakiinahh laughh. have weiird weiird Qs andd iidea duriing scii lessons. E.G ''wen a person iis electrocuted how tuu save hiim/her??'' iivann ans pour water. hahas. butt a greatt chapp who helps others too.
froom here ii shall startt rumourrrs iin onetuetwo..
- euniice andd amiirunn seems tuu enjoy beiing aroundd eachh othherrs! wooo..
-jo tham and danny's progressiion iis getting more and more by eachh daee worrs.
- xue ning seems tuu be loviing deriick neo andd leng kiiat!hahas.
- jolene and kin leung carn leave each other alwas groupped togethher!
-there's somethiing goiin on between sok pengg and reynoldd arhh.wahahas.
-jonathann and moon moon are alwas togethherr!!
-khaiirul and riitha seems tuu be hiidiing somethiings from us. hahas.
-wonderr how's yuan tiing and miive arhh. herr bf. hahas.
-lii yong dediicatedd a poem tuu moktharr! so touching!
-naemahh loves derr class andd naemahh loves jiian shuun!! yays!
-rabiiatual andd jonathhan also gortt fishy fiishy thiings arh.
-edmond and yan shan looks like cute couples arhh.
-angel use tuu like cs! wadd bout noww?? hmmms. hahas.
hmm. thiinks datt bout iit lerrs larrs. ya?? naemah derr qqueen of gossiips iif euu noe more pls post iit upp!
wadd bout hiim. LOVES to bully girls andd pull deiir haiirband downn and let the gurls retiie agaiin. so dumbb siia. hahas. he noees derr guiitarr and plays wel too! nva eva will ii forget eur bouncy and maggiie haiir!!a crapy guy who makes joke but iis sometiimes seriious iin hiis workk! =>
choon soon:
a cat loverr also loves tuu playy wiibb hiis chess alortt. kiin leung alwas loses tuu hiim. lols. crappy guy who iis saiid tuu bully alortt of gurls nortt ii sae one worrs. lols. cann make jokes andd fiind fault iin thiings . changedd alortt siince yearr 2004 - 2005 changedd tuu a betterr temperr personn diin sae eurr temper was bad last tiime worrs. gets iinjuriied easily duriing bball orr soccer take care worrs.!
know as java. dunno why touu. a npcc boii but dun seem tuu see hiim talkiin muchh. doesnt interact as much as ii do but gortt improvement la. at least ii see and call him he will smile. but nva sae hi. alamak. mus learnn tuu tok worrs. dunn keep thiings tuu eurself! tell naemahh iif euu wann! hahas.
basiically loves to intimitate people laughterr but hiis laughhterr iisnt equally niice. alwas aroundd wiibb man mun chasiing her aroundd!! weees- loves to keep hiis haiir niice evenn gortt a BIG ear holee! alwas run here run dere, shout here and dere also loves tuu diisturbb people. hahas.
wun forget dat euu once tapped eur table wiibb scrotch tappe togetherr wiibb choon soon and madee funnii sounds out of iit! lols. has alort of names iin case euu all dunno. chiickenn buttock; backsiide, shiiny boii. dunno wad else la. hahas also noes guitarr andd play well too!
kiin leung:
mr riight and mr why! loves tuu briiing hiis riight tuu hiispresentatiions.lols. ''euu noe riight... actually riighht...'' hahas. wun forrget iit too. evenn ask strange Qs too. alortt larrs. especiialy duriing scii riight. ii noe. hahas. seems quiet but iisnt quiet! so beware arhh. hahas. have talent for art! boastful too. haha.
usually seems quiett but nortt so quiet one. hahs. bully people at tiimes especiially huui fangg and miies. hahas. but is a good friiend tuu noe. was beiing admiittedd tuu hospiitall but gladd datt hiis fiine now. dun arhh here quiet dere thiinkiin how tuu hit dat person arhh. hahas. lols.
have a purple barney wiibb hiim andd loves purple! hahas. crapps and jokes aroundd wiithout fail! everiidaee [ iif he's present ] cann hearr hiis voiice one noe. laugh and laugh. he has sharpp naiils! loves tuu piinch people wenn playiing heartt attack. innterrupt duriing lesson but iit's more fun!
a harddworkkiin andd honest boii.normally doesnt fail tuu hand iin hiis workk on time. iis quiet but sometiimes beiing pesterredd by moon moon arhh. moonx2 verrii noiisy so he dun even bothers hiim. a good presenter andd iis brave tuu present! hahas.
havee a niick name call caree bearr giivenn by miie! hahas. loves tuu bully gurls like amiirunn. almost everiitiime he ans thiings correcttly andd iis cleverr ya. hahas. weees- noes how tuu play derr drum evenn playedd iit wenn on teachherrs daee!
a guy who iis saiid tuu be cute. dunno true nortts. hahas. ya. hmms. he also noes derr guiitarr play iit well too. iis a ava member fiix thiings here and dere. sometiimes lazy larrs. dun see hiim so good arhh he also have another siide of hiim! hahas. but help people out larrs. ya.
a guy who normally call miie crazy evenn touu ii dunno why. hahas. alwas iinterractt wiibb xue niing andd gangg. hem hem. hahas. well iis good iin mathhs! but he doesnt noe how tuu teach ii tell euu. he fiiniish he jus see how euu do one. hahas. nvm. a good guy afterr all.
yong han:
almost derr same as deriick . but also normally bully edmondd one larrs. hahas. may nortt be true. ii dunno worrs. hahas. denn siits besiide people also wann tok tuu deriick. both of euu go elope larrs.hahas. iis good iin playiing derr chess too. next tiime joiin competiitiion larrs. hahas.
jiian shuun:
a guy who made us cheered forr hiim duriing PE. have funn at one of derr game monkey.hahas he have a good siide off hiim andd help otherrs too. he helpedd miie b4 tuu carry lit fiiles andd he was derr one who offerredd tuu help. a great guy who liistenns tuu my lame storiies.!
leng kiiat:
a guy who iis iintoo sciience wiibb alortt of sciience factss iin hiis miind andd ii dun underrstand iit sometiimes. have hiigher waees and ans to some Qs whiich otherrs dunno. contiinuue tuu striive well. he's able tuu teachh others at tiime too. rememberred hiim teachiing miie scii.
a cute and funnii lil guy who runs aroundd wiibb people. cus he kana chasedd. hahas. iis iin choiir andd siings well too. doesnnt fail tuu laugh everiidaee. sometiimes hiis mood verii derr swiing. morniing laugh so much afterrnoon can be cryiin or sometiimes dun bother euu.
a PSL leaderr who offerrs help everiiwhere wiithout faiil. learnn tuu pay attentiion larrs. dun look at outsiide derr biirds. able tuu do thiings wiithout beiing called. andd evenn volunteers hiimself at evennt wenn he iis niidedd.
ourr belovedd mathh rep. alwas collect here and dere. loves tuu sae hiimselff handsome arhh. aiiyoo. alamakk lehhs. hahas. plays wiibb peoplee aroundd hiim. but sometiimes seriious sometiimes verii siiao. mood also same as edmond. verii derr swiing! lols.
nva faiils tuu makee ms sakiinahh laughh. have weiird weiird Qs andd iidea duriing scii lessons. E.G ''wen a person iis electrocuted how tuu save hiim/her??'' iivann ans pour water. hahas. butt a greatt chapp who helps others too.
froom here ii shall startt rumourrrs iin onetuetwo..
- euniice andd amiirunn seems tuu enjoy beiing aroundd eachh othherrs! wooo..
-jo tham and danny's progressiion iis getting more and more by eachh daee worrs.
- xue ning seems tuu be loviing deriick neo andd leng kiiat!hahas.
- jolene and kin leung carn leave each other alwas groupped togethher!
-there's somethiing goiin on between sok pengg and reynoldd arhh.wahahas.
-jonathann and moon moon are alwas togethherr!!
-khaiirul and riitha seems tuu be hiidiing somethiings from us. hahas.
-wonderr how's yuan tiing and miive arhh. herr bf. hahas.
-lii yong dediicatedd a poem tuu moktharr! so touching!
-naemahh loves derr class andd naemahh loves jiian shuun!! yays!
-rabiiatual andd jonathhan also gortt fishy fiishy thiings arh.
-edmond and yan shan looks like cute couples arhh.
-angel use tuu like cs! wadd bout noww?? hmmms. hahas.
hmm. thiinks datt bout iit lerrs larrs. ya?? naemah derr qqueen of gossiips iif euu noe more pls post iit upp!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Seriously, the pers0n wh0 deleted the bl0g AGAIN is SO dead. Fancy committing the same mistake twice. I shan't talk abt WHOEVER that pers0n is anym0re. I shall p0st what Joanne Tan p0sted bef0re BUT definitely different LARHS. I carn exactly rmbr all the w0rds she put in wad. Here ii g0 then.
- Abby - An individual who brought about many laughters. A resp0nsible prefect and als0 one wh0 can cheer one up whenever he/she is d0wn and out.
- Angel - Thanks f0r making the time t0 attend our klass' BBQ. We greatly appreciated that. All the best t0 YOU x))
- Yuan Ting - We'll kip in mind all ur sh0uts and screams ! *SCREAMS* Haahhs. One bubbly one wh0 never fails t0 sing s0ngs everyday.
- Hwee Ee - One super do0per happy grrl. All jumpy and bouncy xD Kip that kind of spirit in YOU alryt ? Continue t0 spin that red cl0th okays ? HEHE.
- Jolene - Who w0uldn't remember the grrl with the unique v0ice ? She's n0t only smart, but talented t0o !
- Ritha - YES ! The only one with the hyena laughter. Your laughter tends t0 make heads turn. Haahhs. Will rmbr the time YOU scream'd in Sec 1 during the Fire Drill. That was hilarious.
- Xue Ning - One quiet grrl. But tends t0 c0mmunicate m0re with Derick and Leng Kiat. Right ? An intelligent kidd0. Oh YAH. Her id0l is RU HUA xD
- Yan Shan - One with a LOUD v0ice. Haahhs. A b0nus is that YOU're in ch0ir ! :) LOVES speaking in Chinese. Speak m0re of English kays ? Pr0m0te English. Shine in ch0ir !
- Malyanah - A helpful being. Thou she seemed quiet m0st of the times , we've YET t0 disc0ver the other side of her. =]] An individual with l0gical ideas.
- Hui Fang - The vi0lent one. If YOU hit her, she WILL hit YOU back. Haahhs. Revenge ii guess. Jovial and pleasant grrl.
- Rabiatul - OOH~! The only one with the MOST special "Go0d Morning" greeting. LOL. Dun get bullied by Ivan anim0re okays ?
- Serene - Truly admire ur sl0wness x)) Will never f0rget that. And als0 when YOO said that there'll be al0t of Indian ppl on da bus on Deepavali. LOL
- Hafidzah - A responsible chairpers0n and prefect. Very hardw0rkin and kips the class g0in. Your c0ntributi0ns make a difference. TY.
- Naemah - YOO are such a w0nderful pers0n. LOL. Sumone help ME t0 ryt lehh. I dun0 wad t0 ryt abt myself x) SHINY SHINY.
- Joanne Tan - One wh0 likes talkin crappe and als0 assuming that ppl misses her. LOL. Can be s0ft-hearted at times th0u. Dun take everything t0 ur heart okays ?
- Eunice - Aha ! One graceful ballerina. The ONLY one in klas. Go p0tray ur talent sumwhr LARHS. And bec0me fam0us =]]
- Joanne Tham - The blur-headded one. Always g0in "Huhh?" Haahhs. Listen pr0perly can ? :)) Very fun grrl. She will be there t0 brighten up ur day when ur d0wn.
- Li Yong - OMGS. One disastrous and chaotic grrl. Loves t0 disturb ppl. ALOT. Full of j0kes and crappe. YEAPS. One fun and FINE grrl.
- Sok Peng - Athletic one. The fastest runner fer grrls ii guess. Must aim t0 run faster than the b0ys kays ? YAYS. Oh YAH. She's a smart alec to0.
- Yasmin - The only future d0ct0r wannabe in klas. Thou she d0esnt wan t0 be one. She used t0 be all quiet and stuff. Now, when she starts t0 open her m0uth, all the kn0ck-kn0cks and rubbish c0mes out. Haahhs. Continue t0 shine in SJAB aits ~!
- Man Mun - The one with the highest pitch v0ice. LOL. We will rmbr the times when YOO are being chased by Jon. YEAPSYEAPS. Happy mem0riies wad. Dun t0uch ur hair s0 much LARHS. Pretty oredii.
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