Friday, May 19, 2006

class chalet.

okkays ppl.. de class chalet.. iis iin de miidst of planniing.. annd ii reali reali hope dat all of uu.. would turnn out for thiis class chalet.. dun diisappoiint mrs lee.. she's payiin for de whole chalet.. verii costly.. dun waste her effortt.. she have todd us alortt and de tiimes we hadd wiib her was funn.. and ii seriiously hope all of uu would turnn upp and enjoy.. do try ta go.. allriight..? details will be posted wenn we confiirm de place.. and checkk iin time.. few ppl will be stayiin larrs.. do rem to inform anione of us uu goiin nortts.. naemahh.. eunice.. or mrs lee herself..! takkaiire. biies.

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