Saturday, October 29, 2005


Seriously, the pers0n wh0 deleted the bl0g AGAIN is SO dead. Fancy committing the same mistake twice. I shan't talk abt WHOEVER that pers0n is anym0re. I shall p0st what Joanne Tan p0sted bef0re BUT definitely different LARHS. I carn exactly rmbr all the w0rds she put in wad. Here ii g0 then.

  • Abby - An individual who brought about many laughters. A resp0nsible prefect and als0 one wh0 can cheer one up whenever he/she is d0wn and out.
  • Angel - Thanks f0r making the time t0 attend our klass' BBQ. We greatly appreciated that. All the best t0 YOU x))
  • Yuan Ting - We'll kip in mind all ur sh0uts and screams ! *SCREAMS* Haahhs. One bubbly one wh0 never fails t0 sing s0ngs everyday.
  • Hwee Ee - One super do0per happy grrl. All jumpy and bouncy xD Kip that kind of spirit in YOU alryt ? Continue t0 spin that red cl0th okays ? HEHE.
  • Jolene - Who w0uldn't remember the grrl with the unique v0ice ? She's n0t only smart, but talented t0o !
  • Ritha - YES ! The only one with the hyena laughter. Your laughter tends t0 make heads turn. Haahhs. Will rmbr the time YOU scream'd in Sec 1 during the Fire Drill. That was hilarious.
  • Xue Ning - One quiet grrl. But tends t0 c0mmunicate m0re with Derick and Leng Kiat. Right ? An intelligent kidd0. Oh YAH. Her id0l is RU HUA xD
  • Yan Shan - One with a LOUD v0ice. Haahhs. A b0nus is that YOU're in ch0ir ! :) LOVES speaking in Chinese. Speak m0re of English kays ? Pr0m0te English. Shine in ch0ir !
  • Malyanah - A helpful being. Thou she seemed quiet m0st of the times , we've YET t0 disc0ver the other side of her. =]] An individual with l0gical ideas.
  • Hui Fang - The vi0lent one. If YOU hit her, she WILL hit YOU back. Haahhs. Revenge ii guess. Jovial and pleasant grrl.
  • Rabiatul - OOH~! The only one with the MOST special "Go0d Morning" greeting. LOL. Dun get bullied by Ivan anim0re okays ?
  • Serene - Truly admire ur sl0wness x)) Will never f0rget that. And als0 when YOO said that there'll be al0t of Indian ppl on da bus on Deepavali. LOL
  • Hafidzah - A responsible chairpers0n and prefect. Very hardw0rkin and kips the class g0in. Your c0ntributi0ns make a difference. TY.
  • Naemah - YOO are such a w0nderful pers0n. LOL. Sumone help ME t0 ryt lehh. I dun0 wad t0 ryt abt myself x) SHINY SHINY.
  • Joanne Tan - One wh0 likes talkin crappe and als0 assuming that ppl misses her. LOL. Can be s0ft-hearted at times th0u. Dun take everything t0 ur heart okays ?
  • Eunice - Aha ! One graceful ballerina. The ONLY one in klas. Go p0tray ur talent sumwhr LARHS. And bec0me fam0us =]]
  • Joanne Tham - The blur-headded one. Always g0in "Huhh?" Haahhs. Listen pr0perly can ? :)) Very fun grrl. She will be there t0 brighten up ur day when ur d0wn.
  • Li Yong - OMGS. One disastrous and chaotic grrl. Loves t0 disturb ppl. ALOT. Full of j0kes and crappe. YEAPS. One fun and FINE grrl.
  • Sok Peng - Athletic one. The fastest runner fer grrls ii guess. Must aim t0 run faster than the b0ys kays ? YAYS. Oh YAH. She's a smart alec to0.
  • Yasmin - The only future d0ct0r wannabe in klas. Thou she d0esnt wan t0 be one. She used t0 be all quiet and stuff. Now, when she starts t0 open her m0uth, all the kn0ck-kn0cks and rubbish c0mes out. Haahhs. Continue t0 shine in SJAB aits ~!
  • Man Mun - The one with the highest pitch v0ice. LOL. We will rmbr the times when YOO are being chased by Jon. YEAPSYEAPS. Happy mem0riies wad. Dun t0uch ur hair s0 much LARHS. Pretty oredii.